Affandi Museum: The Painting Maestro’s Personal Sanctuary

Benedictus O.

A person observing paintings on the walls in Affandi Museum's gallery.
A visitor studies the beautiful paintings in Affandi Museum's gallery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

The Affandi Museum, located by the picturesque Gajah Wong River in Yogyakarta, is a personal sanctuary for the Indonesian painting maestro, Affandi. Here, you’ll investigate over 300 enchanting artworks that showcase his artistic evolution from naturalism to bold expressions, including masterpieces like ‘Self Portrait’ and ‘Parangtritis at Night.’ The museum’s unique architecture, inspired by banana leaves, creates a harmonious atmosphere for visitors. You can participate in painting classes or enjoy cultural events that deepen your understanding of Indonesian art. If you’re curious about more aspects of this vibrant space, there’s plenty more to uncover on your visit.

Location and How to Get to Affandi Museum

The exterior of Affandi Museum buildings with unique architecture and surrounding greenery.
The Affandi Museum features distinctive architecture surrounded by lush greenery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

Affandi Museum is located at Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No. 167 in Yogyakarta, adjacent to the beautiful Gajah Wong River.

For those driving, simply follow the Adisucipto main road, and you’ll find the museum with ease.

If you prefer to explore on two wheels, rental motorcycles and cars are readily available in the area, making your visit even more convenient.

Enjoy the art at Affandi with hassle-free access!

Operating Hours and Entry Fees at Affandi Museum

When planning your visit to the Affandi Museum, please note the operating hours and entry fees.

The museum is open from Monday to Saturday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and is closed on Sundays, the first Monday of each month, and national holidays—unless a group visit is arranged in advance.

Admission fees are Rp 100,000 for international visitors and Rp 50,000 for local visitors, both including a soft drink and a souvenir.

Photography fees are Rp 30,000 for standard cameras and Rp 20,000 for mobile phone cameras.

Affandi’s Artistic Evolution Journey

Two people admiring paintings in one of Affandi Museum's galleries.
Visitors gaze at the remarkable paintings in Affandi Museum’s gallery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

Investigating the evolution of Affandi’s artistry reveals a remarkable transformation from naturalism to the bold expressions of his later years. This artistic transition showcases his versatility as he embraced impressionism and expressionism.

Notable works such as ‘Self Portrait’ and ‘Moeder’ highlight his shift towards more expressive techniques, characterized by vibrant colors and dynamic brushwork. The impasto technique, where paint is applied thickly, became a signature element of his mature style, particularly evident in ‘Parangtritis at Night’.

Affandi’s final painting, ‘Embrio’, reflects his personal struggles and serves as a poignant reminder of his creative journey. Throughout these phases, one can observe how his experiences and family significantly influenced his powerful artistic expression, inviting deeper exploration of the meanings behind his work.

Exhibits and Collections at Sandi Museum

Step into the vibrant world of the Sandi Museum, where every brushstroke tells a story of creativity and evolution.

Discover the captivating journey of Affandi, whose artistry transcends time, inviting you to explore the dynamic interplay between tradition and innovation.

What hidden gems and artistic dialogues await you within these walls?

Signature Works Showcase

Two people looking at paintings displayed in Affandi Museum's second gallery.
Visitors explore the intricate artworks in Affandi Museum’s second gallery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

The Affandi Museum proudly displays over 300 signature works that trace the maestro’s artistic journey from naturalism to expressionism.

As you walk through Gallery I, you’ll see how Affandi’s signature styles evolved, revealing his deep artistic influences. Notable pieces such as ‘Self Portrait’ (1938) and ‘Parangtritis at Night’ (1984) showcase his unique ability to capture emotions and movement.

In Gallery II, works from renowned Indonesian artists invite exploration, while Gallery III highlights Affandi’s family through intimate displays of paintings leaning against walls.

The museum’s architecture, inspired by banana leaves, creates an enchanting atmosphere that enriches your experience. Regular exhibitions and cultural events foster a vibrant connection to Affandi’s legacy, encouraging you to engage with art freely.

Historical Significance Display

A row of colorful paintings, including a portrait of a man in red holding a pipe, displayed in Affandi Museum's third gallery.
Beautiful, colorful paintings line the walls of Affandi Museum’s third gallery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

Visiting the Affandi Museum immerses you in a rich tapestry of historical significance through its diverse exhibits and collections that celebrate the evolution of Indonesian art.

Each gallery tells a compelling story, showcasing over 300 of Affandi’s paintings and revealing his journey from naturalism to expressionism.

In Gallery I, personal artifacts such as a 1975 Mitsubishi Gallant provide intriguing historical context.

Gallery III honors Affandi’s artistic legacy, featuring works from his wife Maryati and daughter Kartika.

Additionally, Gallery II broadens your understanding of Indonesia’s art scene by including pieces from renowned artists.

The museum’s architecture, inspired by banana leaves, creates a harmonious atmosphere, making your experience both enlightening and visually enchanting as you explore this artistic haven.

Things to Do at Affandi Museum

A yellow car and several paintings on display in Affandi Museum's first gallery.
A vibrant yellow car complements the collection of paintings in Affandi Museum’s gallery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

Explore a variety of engaging activities at the Affandi Museum, from immersive painting classes to unique cultural events that celebrate Indonesian art.

Participate in painting classes at Studio Gajah Wong, where Kartika Affandi herself supervises sessions designed for all ages and skill levels. For those curious about the artist’s creative process, live demonstrations by Kartika are available for groups of 10 or more, offering a deeper connection to the art.

In addition, the museum regularly hosts cultural events and exhibitions that showcase diverse artistic expressions, enriching your appreciation of Indonesian art. Each visit presents something new, allowing you to investigate and embrace your artistic freedom in a vibrant, inspiring environment.

Facilities at Affandi Museum

A row of expressive and colorful paintings lined up on the wall in Affandi Museum's third gallery.
A series of vibrant paintings highlights the expressive style of art in Affandi Museum’s third gallery. (Reza Fitriyanto/

Affandi Museum provides an array of facilities designed to enhance your experience. From multiple galleries filled with stunning artworks to a cozy café boasting picturesque views, every corner offers inspiration, making it an ideal retreat for art enthusiasts.

Here are some highlights:

  1. Painting Classes: Engage in hands-on painting classes at Studio Gajah Wong, guided by Kartika Affandi, and unleash your creativity.
  2. Art Shop: Explore the art shop, where you can purchase original paintings and art-related merchandise, allowing you to take a piece of Affandi’s world home with you.
  3. Scenic Cafés: Unwind at Loteng Café, where you can sip coffee while appreciating the beauty of your surroundings.

These facilities ensure that your visit is both enriching and enjoyable, providing you with a genuine sense of freedom within the world of art.

Tips for Visitors

A sculpture and several expressive paintings displayed in the Affandi Museum.
An intricate sculpture is showcased among expressive paintings in the Affandi Museum. (Reza Fitriyanto/

To get the most out of your trip, consider planning your visit during weekdays when the museum is less crowded. This timing allows for a more intimate experience with the artwork.

Here are some tips to enhance your visit:

  1. Respect visitor etiquette: Keep your voice down and avoid touching the artwork to ensure a peaceful atmosphere for everyone.
  2. Photography tips: Capture memories by paying the camera fees—Rp 30,000 for digital cameras and Rp 20,000 for mobile phones. Remember to turn off your flash to protect the art.
  3. Engage with the experience: Participate in painting classes led by Kartika Affandi or watch live demonstrations. These activities provide a unique opportunity to connect with the art and the artist’s legacy.

Enjoy the freedom to explore and immerse yourself in this artistic haven!


Visiting the Affandi Museum feels like stepping into a vibrant canvas, where each brushstroke tells a story.

As you explore Affandi’s personal sanctuary, you’ll uncover the passion and evolution of his artistry, which symbolizes the journey of creativity itself.

This museum not only showcases remarkable paintings but also invites visitors to reflect on their own experiences and inspirations.

Take your time to soak in the colors, allowing Affandi’s world to ignite your imagination.



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Benedictus O.

Benedictus Oktaviantoro is a dedicated mountaineer and adventurer who loves helping others. He began climbing Mount Salak in 2002 and has since explored many beautiful places in Indonesia. Benedictus is also active in social activities, such as Search and Rescue missions and disaster relief efforts. Currently, he is learning more about digital marketing to improve his skills.